TD₿: The North American Bitcoin Mining Index by Compass Mining
TL;DR The North American Bitcoin mining industry is booming by any metric after the China ban.
Hey Bitcoiners,
The China ban on Bitcoin mining and the subsequent hash rate migration that followed was one of the biggest stories in 2021.
One of the largest benefactors of this ban was the North American mining industry who welcomed exiled Chinese miners with open arms.
The mining industry is constantly evolving and it can be challenging to keep up with new developments.
Thankfully, Compass Mining published this research report where they give an extensive overview of the Bitcoin mining industry in North America (06/23/2021).
Now that China no longer has the majority of Bitcoin’s hash rate, we can officially put the whole “China can attack Bitcoin” FUD to bed.
Tick tock next block,
Cory Klippsten
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Quote of the Day
“The more jurisdictions in which mining exists, the less risk any single jurisdiction represents to bitcoin’s security function.” - Parker Lewis, Head of Business Development at Unchained Capital
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