TD₿: The Fake Environmentalist Attack on Bitcoin by ReasonTV
TL;DR The perfect video to share with people who think Bitcoin is bad for the environment.
Hey Bitcoiners,
One thing I am certainly grateful for this Thanksgiving is Satoshi for giving us hope for a bright future with Bitcoin.
As you spend time with friends and family today, make sure to update them on what Bitcoin has been up to since last Thanksgiving. 👇

“Bitcoin is bad for the environment” is a frequent critique I always hear, and this video from ReasonTV is a perfect way to refute this common misconception (11/16/2021).
Make sure to share this with that person who inevitably brings up Bitcoin’s carbon footprint to you around the dinner table today.
Enjoy the holiday!
Tick tock next block,
Cory Klippsten
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Quote of the Day
“It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on.” - Satoshi Nakamoto, Inventor of Bitcoin
Meme of the Day