TD₿: Green Innovation in Bitcoin Mining: Recycling ASIC Heat by Braiins
TL;DR As the mining industry matures, miners will continue to innovate to improve the efficiency of their operations to stay competitive.
Hey Bitcoiners,
This week I listened to an episode of Swan Signal Live with two leading mining experts who discussed how competitive the mining industry is.
Every miner tries to utilize the cheapest energy resources and have the most efficient operations in order to keep their doors open to live to see another block.
One way that miners improve their competitiveness is by coming up with creative ways to increase the bottom line of their operations.
I believe this “operational creativeness” is where we are going to continue to see innovation occur throughout the mining industry. One example of this innovation is miners finding profitable ways to utilize the excess heat from ASICs.
I came across this article from Braiins that highlights multiple examples of how miners are recycling ASIC heat today (02/25/2021).
Bitcoin miners are some of the most entrepreneurial people I know. It will be fascinating to watch them continue to try to find that small edge that gives them a better chance of winning the block reward against their competitors.
Tick tock next block,
Cory Klippsten
PS - You can listen to the SSL episode mentioned above here.
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Quote of the Day
“Bitcoin's monetary economics will drive incredible innovation in energy and thus Bitcoin will drive incredible innovation down entire industrial structures of production. Bitcoin will be the catalyst & foundation of a third Industrial Revolution.” - Michael Goldstein, Host of the Noded Podcast and President of The Satoshi Nakamoto Institute
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