TD₿: Check Your Financial Privilege by Alex Gladstein
TL;DR Show this piece to people who say Bitcoin is useless, or call it a waste.
Hey Bitcoiners,
A new Bitcoin critic emerged last week calling Bitcoin a form of fascism and an attack on the incumbent financial system.
Bitcoiners responded with stories of how Bitcoin is helping individuals today in developing countries like Nigeria, but Dave wasn’t ready to hear these facts.
What Dave displayed here is a perfect example of someone who is unaware of their financial privilege.
To him, any other country outside of the United States doesn’t really matter. The Nigerians feeding their families off of their bitcoin are inferior and a “false equivalency” to Americans.
Alex Gladstein wrote a piece for critics just like Dave aptly titled, “Check Your Financial Privilege” (05/21/2021).
What Dave fails to understand is that Bitcoin is a global phenomenon that will find product-market fit first in countries whose financial systems are in disarray.
Bitcoin’s value prop is crystal clear to those in desperate need of a sound money.
Tick tock next block,
Cory Klippsten
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Quote of the Day
“Satoshi has freed more people than any war or revolution ever could all while not firing a single shot and remaining anonymous.” - Nico ZM, Co-Founder and CEO at Bitvolt
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