TD₿: Bitcoin: A Guide for the Perplexed by Tom Woods with Vijay Boyapati
TL;DR This is the perfect podcast to send to Bitcoin beginners.
Hey Bitcoiners,
New Bitcoiners are being orange-pilled every minute these days.
Therefore, it’s important to surface content that lays out Bitcoin basics so that these new sovereign individuals can get up to speed.
One of my personal favorite Bitcoin 101 conversations to share with newcomers is this podcast between Tom Woods and Vijay Boyapati (06/24/2020).
Few explain Bitcoin as clearly and succinctly as Vijay does.
Bitcoin is for everyone, beginners included.
Tick tock next block,
Cory Klippsten
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Quote of the Day
“Truth humbles. And Bitcoin is Truth.” - John Vallis, Host of Bitcoin Rapid-Fire Podcast
Meme of the Day
(h/t @Croesus_BTC)
Yes! Been trying to pick the best 'intro' for my mom. Not easy to do, and definitely not something I want to overwhelm her with. Will take a listen and see if this is finally it. Thanks!